Can A Tattoo Be Completely Removed?
Of the nearly 70,000,000 people living in the UK, in a 2015 survey, it was found that 30% of the population have at least one tattoo. That’s a staggering 20,000,000 tattoos as permanent parts of people’s arms, legs, bodies and faces. With this number it’s not so surprising some have come to be not-so-proud owners of regrettable ink that they no longer desire and ask the question can a tattoo be completely removed?
Luckily if you are in that 30%, it’s not all bad news! At Harley Skin & Laser, our aesthetic practitioners are experts in laser tattoo removal for those in Staffordshire and Cheshire. Our specialist team utilises only the highest quality laser tattoo removal machines available, with a recent £80,000 investment being made into the latest Quanta Q-Plus C Q-Switched Laser.
Over the past few years, if you’ve heard anything about laser tattoo removal, you’ve probably been told it’s even more painful than getting the tattoo. But while there’s plenty to consider when looking to get a tattoo removed, the recent advancements in technology has made the process as effective and pain-free as ever before.
So if you’re looking to remove a matching tattoo after an unfortunate breakup or your second-guessing that spur of the moment linework piece, we’re here to help with all you need to know before committing to laser tattoo removal, from tattoo removal costs and potential side effects.
How Laser Tattoo Removal Works?
Laser tattoo removal despite utilising complex technology, is now a simplistic process.
After a discussion with your practitioner about the process and the tattoo you’re looking to remove, the laser is directed onto the tattooed area, penetrating the top layer of skin and is absorbed by the tattoo ink. This causes the pigment to break into smaller particles which then, over a period of 4 to 6 weeks, the body’s natural immune system carries away these ink particles, resulting in a noticeable fading of the tattoo.
Due to the usual depth of tattoo ink penetration for permanence, multiple sessions of laser tattoo removal treatment are necessary to completely eliminate the tattoo. This ensures that all layers of ink are effectively targeted and removed over successive sessions.

At Harley Skin & Laser Clinic, we employ cutting-edge laser technology for tattoo removal, effectively eliminating nearly all ink colours across various skin types. To improve our clients comfort during the removal process, we utilise a specialised cryo skin cooling device. This device is applied to the skin during the treatment, actively cooling it and significantly reducing discomfort. While tattoo removal is not entirely pain-free, most clients find it tolerable, often likening it to the sensation of a snapped elastic band on the skin.
How Much Does It Cost To Have A Tattoo Removed?
Depending on the size and colours of your tattoo, the price will differ – as this will determine the length of time taken to remove the tattoo along with the number of sessions that will be required to fully eliminate the ink from under your skin.
Although black is the easiest to remove, darker pigments have traditionally been more challenging to remove with laser tattoo removal, colours such as green and blue have always been known to fade and not completely disappear from the skin.
Providing consistent results, our new Quanta Q-Plus C is able to remove nearly all colours of ink including a ruby laser to target and treat both green and blue pigments, a treatment that was rarely available throughout Staffordshire and Cheshire.
Starting at £40 our laser tattoo removal treatments are perfect for those looking to remove unwanted ink without breaking the bank. Book a consultation with our expert team today and we’ll take you through the tattoo removal process including a cost breakdown, ensuring nothing is left to guesswork.
Is Tattoo Removal Good For Skin?
With the use of lasers to break up the ink pigments and several sessions needed, the concerns revolving around the dangers of laser tattoo removal are understandable.
But don’t worry, laser treatments such as tattoo removals are safe. Sometimes causing swelling or blistering of the skin, most side-effects of tattoo removal are only temporary and will resolve after and in-between treatments.
Although with the specialist Quanta Q-Plus C here at Harley Skin & Laser Clinic damage to skin post tattoo removal is extremely rare, with the ruby laser only targeting the pigment of the ink and not affecting the skin.
If you have any concerns regarding the removal of a tattoo, please do contact the Harley Skin and Laser team or your tattoo removal specialist for more information.

How Many Sessions Does It Take To Remove A Tattoo?
This again depends on the size and colour of the tattoo you’re looking to have removed, with larger more complex tattoos taking more sessions over several months to fully eliminate the pigment.
As a broad spectrum, at Harley Skin & Laser Clinic, we suggest anywhere between five and fifteen sessions may be required to remove your unwanted tattoo. An exact number of tattoo removal sessions required can and will be determined as your treatments continue, with the rate of the pigment breaking down begin affected by your age, the ink used and the age of the tattoo affecting the rate that you’ll start to see results.
Other Factors That Affect Laser Tattoo Removal
Factor #1. Personal Health
If you’re in good health, you’ll typically find you require fewer tattoo removal sessions. Maintaining overall health reflects positively on their skin, facilitating more effective laser treatments and expediting the ink removal process. For individuals who are older, smokers, or not in the best of health, the laser treatment may take a bit longer. While this doesn’t render tattoo removal impossible, it may necessitate a few additional sessions to achieve the desired results.
Factor #2. Differences In Ink
The type and quality of ink used can influence the number of required sessions for tattoo removal. The quantity and darkness of the ink also play significant roles. Different tattoo artists may use diverse ink types, contributing to the variability in tattoo removal duration. Consultation with a specialist is crucial for understanding the ink used and determining the necessary number of sessions.
Factor #3. Age Of Your Tattoo
The age of your tattoo will always impact the ease of removal. Over time older tattoos naturally fade as the body gradually eliminates the ink pigment from the skin. This slow process, spanning many years, is why a 50-year-old tattoo appears faded compared to a freshly inked one.
How To Care For Your Skin After Tattoo Removal
Similarly to when you had the tattoo done, there are several aftercare steps you can take to ensure the recovery process is as smooth as possible.
Keep the skin clean by washing the treated area with water, ensuring you dry the skin carefully and completely afterwards.
To soothe and hydrate the skin after your laser tattoo removal, apply aloe vera and don’t cover or pick the treated area.
Additionally, safeguard the treated skin from sun exposure by avoiding direct sunlight and wear protective clothing like a long-sleeved shirt, trousers, or a wide-brimmed hat when outdoors.
Does Laser Tattoo Removal Really Work?
Amongst the several methods of tattoo removal available, laser tattoo removal is the safest and most effective way to get rid of an unwanted tattoo.
With several treatments depending on the size and colour of your tattoo, your tattoo will begin to fade with results showing almost immediately, until hopefully the pigment has completely broken down and you can no longer see the tattoo.
Offering laser tattoo removal treatment in the Staffordshire & Cheshire area, we here at Harley Skin & Laser Clinic will always support you in looking your best, contact us now at 01782 611001 or send an email to to discuss your laser tattoo removal treatment.